All schools must have admission arrangements that clearly set out:
- how many children will be admitted into the school, known as the ‘Published Admission Number (PAN)
- the oversubscription criteria to be used to decide the order of priority, if there are more applications than places available.
The admission authority for the school must determine the admission arrangements annually, even if there are no changes. Where changes are being proposed, the admission authority is required to carry out a formal consultation.
Barnet Council is the admissions authority for 37 community primary schools in Barnet. There are no proposed changes toContinue reading
All schools must have admission arrangements that clearly set out:
- how many children will be admitted into the school, known as the ‘Published Admission Number (PAN)
- the oversubscription criteria to be used to decide the order of priority, if there are more applications than places available.
The admission authority for the school must determine the admission arrangements annually, even if there are no changes. Where changes are being proposed, the admission authority is required to carry out a formal consultation.
Barnet Council is the admissions authority for 37 community primary schools in Barnet. There are no proposed changes to the oversubscription criteria for Barnet community schools. However, the governing body for Moss Hall Junior School has asked the council to consult on a proposed reduction to the School’s Published Admission Number (PAN), from 120 to 90 places.
What we are proposing
Moss Hall Infant School, the main feeder school for Moss Hall Junior School, has seen variable demand for school places over recent years. A reduced number of children in the infant cohort will be moving up to the junior school from the academic year 2026/27. We are therefore proposing a reduction in Moss Hall Junior School’s PAN from 120 to 90 places, to reflect the anticipated lower demand.
For any academic year where an unexpected rise in demand is observed, the admission number will be reviewed and existing capacity may be reused.
Admission authorities are not required to consult on offering places in excess of the PAN or formally increasing the number.
This request is supported by the changing population trends in the borough. Barnet’s primary school forecast indicates a continuation of falling demand for places across schools in the area where Moss Hall Junior School is situated. The demand is expected to fall through to the end of the decade. The projections also show that there will be sufficient places for local children even if the PAN for Moss Hall Junior School is reduced, as proposed. However, if demand for places unexpectedly increases in the future, the admission numbers will be reviewed, and existing capacity will be reutilised without the need for a formal consultation. No other changes to the admission arrangements for community schools are being proposed for 2026/27.
You can view the full proposed arrangements for 2026/27 here.
Your views are important to us
We want to hear from all our residents as our schools service the community and have an influence on the surrounding areas. We are also keen to hear from voluntary and community groups.
This consultation is an opportunity for you to give your views and contribute to the decision-making process of the council.
How to have your say:
Complete our online questionnaire
We are keen to hear your views on our proposals and encourage you to have your say by completing our online questionnaire.
If you would like to request a paper questionnaire or another format, please:
If you would like someone to help you complete the questionnaire or need more information, please contact us using one of the above methods.
What happens after the consultation closes?
When the consultation closes, your views will be shared with the schools' governors who will take them into account and decide whether they wish the council to consider the next steps towards the reduction of the PAN.
Consultation Regulations
In accordance with the School Admissions (Admission Arrangements and Co-ordination of Admission Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2012, admission authorities (in this case London Borough of Barnet) are required to consult on any proposed changes to admission arrangements. A consultation on arrangements for the year 2026/27 must run for a period of six consecutive weeks between 1 October 204 to 31 January 2025.