Colindale Area CPZ Statutory Consultation
We asked:
We asked for your views on proposed new and amended Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) in the Colindale and Burnt Oak areas as part of a statutory consultation exercise.
You said:
106 representations relevant to the proposal were received. The feedback was varied, and was considered by Officers and the Executive Director, Environment, who on the 7 May 2019 decided to introduce CPZs in the Burnt Oak and Colindale areas, albeit with minor modifications to what was originally proposed. The report with the full analysis of the questionnaire responses can be found here(External link).
We did:
Based on the feedback to the consultation, and the decisions made, preparations to introduce the CPZs, including writing to properties within the affected area, and managing the contractors introducing the relevant road markings and signs/posts has taken place. The new CPZs commenced on 10 June 2019.
This consultation has now closed.