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Below is a short summary of the five proposals below. You can read more detailed information about each of the proposed schemes in this document.
B1. Colindale Avenue corridor improvements: Pasteur Close to roundabout
Wider pavements and continuous footways if possible, to match the improvements that have been delivered by the Colindale Gardens development on the south side of the carriageway.
B2. Colindale Avenue corridor improvements: A5 to Colindale station
Proposals to improve the public space by decluttering and enhanced greening at key locations, widening of footways where possible and making this key route more attractive forContinue reading
Below is a short summary of the five proposals below. You can read more detailed information about each of the proposed schemes in this document.
B1. Colindale Avenue corridor improvements: Pasteur Close to roundabout
Wider pavements and continuous footways if possible, to match the improvements that have been delivered by the Colindale Gardens development on the south side of the carriageway.
B2. Colindale Avenue corridor improvements: A5 to Colindale station
Proposals to improve the public space by decluttering and enhanced greening at key locations, widening of footways where possible and making this key route more attractive for cycling, walking and wheeling.
B3. Aerodrome roundabout Enhancement
Improved crossings and landscaping enhancements to roundabout to make it safer to cycle, walk and wheel around the area.
B4. Silk Stream Node on Colindale Avenue
Improving the public space, potentially installing parklet seating. The proposal also includes new artistic design features of the bridge bannisters to celebrate and open up the Silk Stream.
B5. RAF Museum entrance
Installation of pedestrian crossing and improved lighting to make it safer to cross Grahame Park Way as you come out of the museum or off the bus.