Brunswick Park Road and Church Hill Road, road safety consultation

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This consultation has now closed.


We are looking to introduce a number of new road safety measures that will reduce the speed of vehicles and also aim to address concerns raised by residents in Brunswick Park Road, Church Hill Road and the surrounding area.

We have carried out a feasibility study for this area (including collisions, speed, traffic, origin-destination and pedestrian surveys, site investigations and review of junction layouts). Based on the results of the study, proposals were presented and discussed with ward councillors, and it was agreed to proceed with the proposals that involve the least disturbance for residents.

What we are proposing


We are looking to introduce a number of new road safety measures that will reduce the speed of vehicles and also aim to address concerns raised by residents in Brunswick Park Road, Church Hill Road and the surrounding area.

We have carried out a feasibility study for this area (including collisions, speed, traffic, origin-destination and pedestrian surveys, site investigations and review of junction layouts). Based on the results of the study, proposals were presented and discussed with ward councillors, and it was agreed to proceed with the proposals that involve the least disturbance for residents.

What we are proposing

We are proposing to introduce the following key traffic safety improvement proposals:

  1. Introducing a 20mph speed limit along Church Hill Road and Brunswick Park Road, from the junction with East Barnet Road in the north to the junction with Waterfall Road in the south.
  1. Introducing a new uncontrolled crossing one Church Hill Road, close to Rushdene Avenue, making a safer crossing place for pedestrians close to Oak Hill Park.
  1. Upgrading the existing zebra crossing on Church Hill Road, outside Church Hill School, to a zebra crossing on top of a raised table to improve safety for pedestrians.
  1. Upgrading the existing zebra crossing on Brunswick Park Road, between Osidge Lane and junction with Prevost Road, to a zebra crossing atop a raised table to improve safety for pedestrians.
  1. Upgrading the existing zebra crossing on Osidge Lane, near Brunswick Park Road mini-roundabout, to a zebra crossing atop a raised table to improve safety for pedestrians.
  1. Upgrading the existing zebra crossing on Brunswick Park Road, near junction with Benfleet Way, to a zebra crossing on top of a raised table to improve safety for pedestrians.
  1. Introducing speeds cushions along Brunswick Park Road and Church Hill Road that act as a complementary measure to ensure a low-speed environment, as detailed in the enclosed drawing.
  1. Enhancing the mouths of junctions by tightening the radius of the kerb and introducing tactile paving, improving safety for pedestrians, as detailed in the enclosed drawing.
  1. Introducing a southwest bound one-way system along Spencer Road with the aim of restricting rat-running.
  1. Incorporating ‘Double Yellow Lines’ around junctions as detailed in the enclosed drawing to improve visibility for pedestrians and motorists.

You can view our full proposals in the drawings below:

Your views are important to us

We want to hear your views on our proposals. We want to hear from residents, businesses and other properties in the local area.

We have written to all properties in the roads affected by the measures explaining our proposals in full and inviting them to take part in this consultation. You can view the letter sent out here.

Public notices will also be published in the local papers and The London Gazette on 5 December 2024 and site notices will be displayed in the affected streets.

If you live, have a business or have an organisation in the affected roads and have not received a letter, please contact us using the contact details below, quoting reference number RSE043.

How to have your say:

Please take the time to read our detailed proposals above and then complete our online questionnaire.

If you would like to request a paper questionnaire or another format, please:

  • email
  • write to Highway Road Safety Team, 3rd Floor Highways, LB Barnet, 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London, NW9 4EW
  • telephone the Highways Service on 020 8359 3555

If you would like someone to help you complete the questionnaire or need more information, please contact us using one of the above methods.

The closing date for submitting your views on the scheme measures is 16 January 2024.

What happens after the consultation closes?

The council will use the consultation findings to inform our final decision. We will publish the results of the consultation, our decision and how we are acting on the results of the consultation on this web page on 27 February 2025.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This consultation has now closed.
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