Barnet Hospital (BH) Experimental CPZ Extension
In Barnet, like many other local authorities, we have a system of parking bays and parking permits that prioritises parking for local residents, businesses and their visitors and customers. These systems are called Controlled Parking Zones.
We carried out informal engagement between 12 August and 15 September 2024 and sought views on proposals to extend the Barnet Hospital CPZ.
You can view the findings from this previous informal parking consultation in the “We asked, you said, we did” section of the Proposed extension to existing Barnet Hospital (BH) CPZ – parking engagement.
What we are proposing
We have reviewed all the comments received during the informal engagement and to address the majority of residents’ parking issues, it has been agreed to progress with the implementation of an experimental (trial) extension of the Barnet Hospital CPZ. The experimental CPZ will come into operation on Monday 24 February 2025.
Where and how the experimental CPZ Scheme will operate
A summary of the roads that are included in the extension, and a map of the CPZ are provided in the links below:
You can also view the restrictions by searching your road name on the Barnet TraffWeb website at and selecting Traffic Orders on the left-hand side of the page.
Operational times of the experimental CPZ will be the same as the existing Barnet Hospital (BH) CPZ:
- Monday to Saturday between 8am and 6.30pm
Parking restrictions (single and double yellow lines) will be implemented in areas of concern to improve road safety.
The scheme will be implemented for a period of up to eighteen months. Comments, received during the first six months will constitute as the statutory consultation.
This experimental scheme enables officers time to consider any comments received, assess the effectiveness of the parking controls, and make changes if required. Parking stress surveys will be undertaken three months after the implementation of the scheme to determine if there are locations within the CPZ that are underutilised.
When and how the scheme will be implemented
Implementation of the scheme will start week commencing Monday 3 February 2025. The works will include:
- installation of permit past area (PPA) signs at the start of each road. This allows us to remove the need for marked parking bays and posts and signs, whilst maximising kerb space and reducing the environmental impact of the street scene
- the marking of double yellow lines at junctions and bends where parking currently reduces access for larger vehicles such as emergency services
Applying for a permit
Residents with properties within the Barnet Hospital CPZ extension area, that meet the correct criteria, can apply for a parking permit from 29 January 2025. Your zone identifier code will be (BH)
Residents and businesses with valid permits are permitted to park in any road in both the existing BH CPZ and in the experimental extension area located around Barnet Hospital.
Residents residing in a private road, private development, or are included within a car-free or car restrained development will not be permitted to purchase permits for the zone as they have their own parking arrangements in place.
Disabled bays
If you are a Blue Badge holder with an existing disabled persons parking bay that is already allocated to you, this will be included within the CPZ and will not affect your ability to park in the bay.
If you wish to apply for a new disabled bay, please visit our dedicated webpage.
Your views are important to us
We want to hear your views on our proposals. We want to hear from residents, businesses and other properties in the local area.
We have written to all properties in the roads affected by the measures explaining our proposals in full and inviting them to take part in this consultation. Public notices will also be published in the local papers and The London Gazette on 24 February 2025 and site notices will be displayed in the affected streets.
If you live, have a business or have an organisation in the affected roads and have not received a letter, please contact us using the contact details below, quoting reference ‘Experimental BH CPZ extension’.
How to have your say
If you wish to make any comments or objections regarding any of the above proposals, please send them in writing quoting reference number ‘Experimental BH CPZ extension’ by:
- emailing
- writing to: The Parking Design Team, Highways, 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London NW9 4EW.
The closing date of this statutory consultation is 24 August 2025.
In line with the Statutory process, responses to the consultation will be reviewed once the six-month experimental period has ended.
What happens after the consultation closes?
The Council will review the feedback received during the 6-months statutory consultation period and we will publish the decision on the future of the scheme on this web page and via a letter to local residents by 1 October 2025.