Action for Silk Stream community and business engagement

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This engagement has now closed.


Action for Silk Stream (AfSS) is a major £6m partnership project led by Barnet and Harrow Council’s. It aims to tackle the effects of climate change by making space for water, reducing flooding, and improving water quality in the Silk Stream catchment for the benefit of communities and the environment. The 6-year flood resilience project launched in 2021.

The Action for Silk Stream project is funded by Defra as part of the £200 million Flood and Coastal Innovation Programmes which is managed by the Environment Agency. The programmes will drive innovation in flood and coastal resilience and adaptation to


Action for Silk Stream (AfSS) is a major £6m partnership project led by Barnet and Harrow Council’s. It aims to tackle the effects of climate change by making space for water, reducing flooding, and improving water quality in the Silk Stream catchment for the benefit of communities and the environment. The 6-year flood resilience project launched in 2021.

The Action for Silk Stream project is funded by Defra as part of the £200 million Flood and Coastal Innovation Programmes which is managed by the Environment Agency. The programmes will drive innovation in flood and coastal resilience and adaptation to a changing climate.

You can read more on the Action for Silk Stream project here.

What want to hear from you

As we reach the halfway mark of the AfSS project, we want to hear from residents and business to help inform our mid-project evaluation. We want to hear your thoughts on project delivery and our work with local communities so far.

By completing this questionnaire, you will help to further shape the project.

How to have your say:

Complete our online questionnaire

We are keen to hear your views on our proposals and encourage you to have your say by completing our online questionnaire.

If you would like to request a paper questionnaire or another format please:

  • email
  • write to Flood & Water Management Team, 3rd Floor Highways, 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London, NW9 4EW
  • telephone the Highways Service on 020 8359 3555

If you would like someone to help you complete the questionnaire or need more information, please contact us using one of the above methods.

What happens after the engagement closes?

The council will use the engagement findings to help to further shape the project. We will publish the results of the engagement, our decision and how we are acting on the results of the engagement on this web page in December 2024.

This engagement has now closed.

  • We asked, you said, we did

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    We asked

    We asked residents and businesses to have their say on the Action for Silk Stream (AfSS) project so far. By doing so, we gathered data on the following aspects related to the project:

    • awareness, knowledge, and experience of flooding
    • locations where flooding / pollution incidents are taking place
    • support for methods of managing flood risk
    • levels of resident flood protection methods
    • engagement with rivers, watercourses and wetlands and the project
    • improvements the project can make

    You said

    We received 92 responses to the survey and saw a good spread of responses from residents across the Silk Stream catchment. 30% of respondents had previously participated in an AfSS volunteer day, and 31% had attended an AfSS event.

    Some of the key findings include:

    • 99% agreed that managing flood risk in the Silk Stream Catchment is important.
    • 73% of respondents are aware of the causes of flooding.
    • Only 34% of respondents know where to seek advice / keep updated about the local flooding situation, with just 40% knowing how to protect their homes and local area from flooding.
    • 60% have experienced flooding and 28% believe their property is at risk. Common sources of the risk cited were:
      1. rainfall (51%)
      2. sewer blockages (43%)
      3. local river (40%)
    • 26 locations and descriptions where flooding and pollution are occurring were submitted.
    • 66% indicated that they would like project / event updates and to volunteer for AfSS.

    We also received numerous comments on our events. General themes include:

    • longer sessions
    • more regular events
    • more outreach work with businesses and inclusive activities
    • river restoration, arts and crafts, wildlife walks and exercise sessions were suggested as potential new events.
    • social media is the main platform people use to find information.

    We did

    The results from the online survey will help inform our mid-project evaluation. The project team will use the findings to help to further shape the project and the engagement programme in its final two years.