We Asked, You Said, We Did
We Asked
We asked you to comment on the possible options identified for Victoria Park, Finchley.
You Said
We received 1,077 responses to the Survey Monkey questionnaire, 11 responses to the Easy Read questionnaire and about 400 people in total attended the 8 pop up events in the park. The top three items that respondents would like to see the money spent on are: new playground facilities, new café and toilets, and resurfacing paths where tree roots have led to an uneven surface.
We DidThe results of the public consultation have been passed to Groundwork London (GWL), who will be using this information and the cost of the each potential change, to produce a final master plan for the site and a priority order for the work. A report will be prepared for the meeting of the Environment Committee on 28 November 2018, seeking agreement to the plan, and the order for the work as it is very unlikely that there will be sufficient money to do everything that has been identified.
This consultation has now closed.