North London Waste Authority (NLWA) Waste Disposal

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This consultation has now closed.

A consultation on how North London Waste Authority provides waste disposal services

North London Waste Authority (NLWA) is the statutory waste disposal authority for the north London area. The Authority arranges the disposal, recycling and composting of waste collected by the seven London boroughs of Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Hackney, Haringey, Islington and Waltham Forest. The Authority’s core statutory duties are to dispose of the waste collected by these boroughs and to arrange for reuse and recycling centres for the area's residents. This consultation follows on from the granting of a Development Consent Order which allows us to build new facilities for the treatment of residual waste that is collected from residents across north London that needs to be disposed of, in other words, the waste that is not recycled or composted. This consultation is about how we implement that permission, and in particular asks questions about the choices we need to make when we decide on how we take the permission forward.

First, please read the background information which provides more information on:

• how the Authority disposes of north London's waste at the moment

• how this might change in the future

• what choices the Authority has to make about the future delivery of waste disposal services

Give us your views:

Please take the time to read the background information before completing the short online questionnaire about the choices the Authority has to make.

Your answers and your opinions are really important to us.

They will be used by the Authority to help make strategic decisions about the services provided. This consultation will run from 9 October 2017 to 24 November 2017. Further information is available at;

A consultation on how North London Waste Authority provides waste disposal services

North London Waste Authority (NLWA) is the statutory waste disposal authority for the north London area. The Authority arranges the disposal, recycling and composting of waste collected by the seven London boroughs of Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Hackney, Haringey, Islington and Waltham Forest. The Authority’s core statutory duties are to dispose of the waste collected by these boroughs and to arrange for reuse and recycling centres for the area's residents. This consultation follows on from the granting of a Development Consent Order which allows us to build new facilities for the treatment of residual waste that is collected from residents across north London that needs to be disposed of, in other words, the waste that is not recycled or composted. This consultation is about how we implement that permission, and in particular asks questions about the choices we need to make when we decide on how we take the permission forward.

First, please read the background information which provides more information on:

• how the Authority disposes of north London's waste at the moment

• how this might change in the future

• what choices the Authority has to make about the future delivery of waste disposal services

Give us your views:

Please take the time to read the background information before completing the short online questionnaire about the choices the Authority has to make.

Your answers and your opinions are really important to us.

They will be used by the Authority to help make strategic decisions about the services provided. This consultation will run from 9 October 2017 to 24 November 2017. Further information is available at;