The future delivery of Barnet's Education and Skills service

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This consultation has now closed.

We would like to thank everyone who took part in the survey, without whose valuable input the consultation would not have been possible.

You can give how we have acted on the results so far under 'We asked, You said, We did'.


Barnet schools are among the best in the country and achieving this level of quality involves focus and effort by schools, governors, children and their families, supported by a range of local authority and other services.

So far, by working together and with the hard work and dedication of all concerned, we have had the benefit of a very successful schools system. Barnet residents consistently tell us that they value the quality of Barnet schools and that is one of the key attractions of living in the borough.

We want this success to continue. However, there are a number of challenges that we now need to address:

  • Maintaining excellent performance
  • Adapting to the new education landscape
  • The further significant cuts in local authority budgets

Listening to the views and concerns of residents is vital to assist with shaping our plans for the future. We are seeking views on the way forward and to assist us in selecting the most appropriate option for meeting the challenges we face and providing a sustainable education service in the future.

The council has already taken a snapshot of the initial views of head teachers and chairs of governing bodies to help us to develop the range of options for the future delivery of education support services. The findings from the initial consultation and engagement activity were used to inform an initial appraisal of the options, which was set out in a draft outline business case that was reported to the Children, Education, Libraries and Safeguarding Committee on Monday 15th September.

We are now seeking residents’ views, in particular those of parents on the future of Barnet’s Education and Skills service. Please note that this consultation relates to the education support services currently provided by the council’s Education and Skills service.

The findings from this consultation will be used to inform the development of the best model for Barnet. A report will be submitted to Children, Education, Libraries and Safeguarding Committee in January 2015.

We would like to thank everyone who took part in the survey, without whose valuable input the consultation would not have been possible.

You can give how we have acted on the results so far under 'We asked, You said, We did'.


Barnet schools are among the best in the country and achieving this level of quality involves focus and effort by schools, governors, children and their families, supported by a range of local authority and other services.

So far, by working together and with the hard work and dedication of all concerned, we have had the benefit of a very successful schools system. Barnet residents consistently tell us that they value the quality of Barnet schools and that is one of the key attractions of living in the borough.

We want this success to continue. However, there are a number of challenges that we now need to address:

  • Maintaining excellent performance
  • Adapting to the new education landscape
  • The further significant cuts in local authority budgets

Listening to the views and concerns of residents is vital to assist with shaping our plans for the future. We are seeking views on the way forward and to assist us in selecting the most appropriate option for meeting the challenges we face and providing a sustainable education service in the future.

The council has already taken a snapshot of the initial views of head teachers and chairs of governing bodies to help us to develop the range of options for the future delivery of education support services. The findings from the initial consultation and engagement activity were used to inform an initial appraisal of the options, which was set out in a draft outline business case that was reported to the Children, Education, Libraries and Safeguarding Committee on Monday 15th September.

We are now seeking residents’ views, in particular those of parents on the future of Barnet’s Education and Skills service. Please note that this consultation relates to the education support services currently provided by the council’s Education and Skills service.

The findings from this consultation will be used to inform the development of the best model for Barnet. A report will be submitted to Children, Education, Libraries and Safeguarding Committee in January 2015.

This consultation has now closed.
  • Feedback updated 30 October 2017

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    We asked

    We asked residents to give us their views on potential options for the future delivery of the council's Education and Skills service. A separate consultation was conducted with schools as well as three parent focus groups. The resident survey asked for views on the proposed vision and aims for education in Barnet, on the services to be provided by any new model, on the evaluation criteria for assessing the options and on the four proposed models for providing the education support services.

    You said

    Of the 123 responses received, the majority agreed with the proposed vision (92%) and aims (86%) for education in Barnet. The evaluation criteria of particular importance were the need to 'preserve or improve service delivery in key service areas' and be 'able to engage with and build trust with all key stakeholders'. The in-house model received the most support (75%) and residents felt it very important (58%) or important (22%) that schools were involved in the running of services.

    We did

    As a result of what you told us, the models were evaluated against the criteria within the survey and the resident preference for the in-house model is reflected in the scoring. Some key themes emerged as important to residents (e.g. the potential profit motive of a partner organisation and the role of schools in a new delivery model) and a response to each theme is detailed in the report to CELS committee on 12th January 2015. These themes will help inform and shape the next stage.